Wednesday 11 July 2012

Port Harcourt emerges Unesco World Book Capital 2014

Culled from Vanguard

By McPhilips Nwachukwu & Japhet Alakam

LAGOS—Port Harcourt, the capital of River State, has after a competitive bid with other 10 countries , including; Ganja in Azerbaidjan; Incheon, Republic of Korea; Krakow, Poland; Lyon, France; Moscow, Russia and Oxford, United Kingdom emerged the preferred host city for the 2014 UNESCO World Book Capital.

UNESCO World Book Capital was established in 2001 after the successful flagging off UNESCO World Copyright Day with the nomination of Madrid, Spain as the first World Book Capital City.

The selection of Port Harcourt by a committee of the World Book Capital 2014, comprising representatives drawn from International Booksellers Federation, IBF, International Federation of Library Association, IFLA and International Publishers Association, IPA, followed a bidding entry by Port Harcourt based book promotion outfit, the Rainbow Book Club.

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